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4.7:   Downloading Titles

From the Browse Wish List, Recently Added Audio Books, or Recently Added Audio Magazines category, select the title you would like to download. When you do this, the Select Folder to Download screen will appear. If the title you selected is an audiobook, then the Audio Books folder will be listed. If the title you selected is an audio magazine, then the Audio Magazines folder will be listed.

The Audio Books folder or Audio Magazines folder containing user-created folders will have an Expand/Collapse button directly after its name. By default, your user-created folders are hidden, and you will need to activate the Expand button to access them. When you activate the Expand button, the list of subfolders will appear.

Select the folder to which you want to download the title. After selection, BARD Mobile will return you to the screen from which you selected the title, and automatically download the book or magazine.

BARD Mobile displays the progress of the download as a percentage, listed directly before the name of the book or magazine. TalkBack users who wish to know the status of the download can select the title and it will announce download progress. While in the Recently Added categories, TalkBack will announce “this book is being downloaded already,” after which it will announce the percentage downloaded. While in Bookshelf, if you select the title of a downloading book or magazine, TalkBack will either announce “book is downloading” or “book is not available.”

Titles that are downloading from the Recently Added categories will automatically appear within the folder selected. Titles that are downloading from the Browse Wish List category will automatically be removed from your wish list and filed within the appropriate folder in Bookshelf.

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